Alarms and Security in Your Home

When we think about the safety of our family and our house we thought about hiring a surveillance system, the alarms for the home serve to protect our home without any difficulty and appropriately. The problem with this is that not everyone knows which alarm to buy, or that we guarantee it will work, so we must be careful to choose the best we can get.

Before purchasing one of these alarm systems, the owner should find out how much money you spend monthly for a protection service like this. It is important to make sure they can keep this all the time.

We also investigate how the system will alarm installation in your home, because this process can be a little tricky and must do a professional. Browse for your friends and ask if they have a system and who recommend you to do the installation. That person has to know what he is doing and should be trusted.

Find out what kind of alarm systems on the market because there are many options. Some may be just to fire, others to strangers entering the house, and other health. You must also be sure; there are some silent and others quite shocking to hear the entire neighborhood.

Some of these systems come with a remote control and in turn are wireless alarms, but others can only be operated from a board (like you see in the picture). It is next to the door, and put a password, activated each time you leave the house. You can get a videotape system that everything that happens around your home to prevent anyone crossing their limits.

No matter which option you choose, protect your home is very important. Therefore, you must know which option you have available and how much you can expect to pay. Visit a specialized place and home alarms question for all that is available.

An alarm system for homes, monitored 24 hours a day, can provide peace of mind all the time. Alarm systems work all the time and never sleep. If you look in different places you can find options that include free installation and even the equipment in exchange for two or three years.

If you decide to install an alarm system, go to any company with a solid track record to back it up. Remember to test the alarm regularly. A monitored alarm system can also reduce the annual cost of insurance; the savings will pay the cost of the alarm.

Alarms and perimeter surveillance

Often when you have a large property difficult to protect the perimeter, to do this; barriers installed infrared beams that are connected to the alarm system.

How do they work?

The barriers are placed in small walls to the ground, on fences or posts, one acts as a transmitter and the other as a receiver and connected to each other, generating an infrared protected field and can cover up to 150 meters outside perimeter by par: volume trunks linking several pairs of barriers can cover any distance needed for many large farms as well as for small plots.

When it is cut from infrared to try to jump the fence or just sabotage them automatically generate an alarm connected to the general alarm system will trigger a siren (sound) deterrent and immediately give notice to your mobile phone, it is very useful in case you are not in place, that way you will always be aware of what happens on their property.

What about animals and pets?

If we think that birds might generate false alarms; we are wrong, because such systems can be adjusted and programmed to cut the beams are generated only by interrupting 1, 2 or 3 simultaneous beams and avoid false alarms by birds or small pets.

Systems combined perimeter barriers with security cameras are a deterrent and effective method of protection.

It is very useful also for second homes or summer because when the alarm is received, connect remotely with security cameras and can see online what happens then.

Advantages of burglar alarms

The burglar alarm is a device designed to inform if a door or window is open house, without the consent of any of its inhabitants. To exist in the market varieties of brands and different technologies, costs decrease due to competition from manufacturers also have the advantage that their connection is pretty fast and simple, any ordinary person can connect without problems.

Although there are devices that are programmed only to protect certain sector of the house; there are those who have several functions in one device, such as detecting fire in the fire and protect the auto sync.

They use a more complex and high-tech system to include both fields. Others have a more advanced program that allows you to warn owners of the house, if the theft is real or just a false alarm caused on purpose. Finally, the most advanced burglar alarms usually have security cameras that record and film all movements or events that occurred at a certain location. For all this, that burglar alarms provide more benefits than disadvantages and it is advisable to use them for safety.


A security camera system for your home Types and Advantages

To observe what is happening, you can add to your security system of a security camera system. They are the product of the final home security. If you are live in a spacious property in a gated community, or have a house in the suburbs, which are designed according to your needs.

Video cameras are an advanced addition to your security system. The camera system most basic security would be one camera connected directly to a monitor and recorder to store the video. Types: There are several different types of security cameras. A few security cameras security cameras are in black and white in color, security cameras, wireless security cameras, night vision cameras security and vandal resistant security cameras.

Besides differing in function and design, security cameras also vary in price. Some security cameras also allow remote access, thus allowing access to the monitors via an Internet connection. Size and Resolution: Video Monitors come in a variety of sizes. It’s best to buy a larger monitor because the little ones can be difficult to see.

Monitors closed circuit television can have up to 1000 lines of resolution screen, compared to 550 lines on normal TVs. This shows that the security monitors have their place in a security system for home.


The advantages of owning a security camera in your home:

  • Ability to control people at home
  • Even you can save money on your insurance homeowner.
  • It is easy for you to know who is at home at all times with remote access.

Security: CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) Security Systems is a rapidly growing segment of the market security. They are relatively inexpensive addition security systems for home. The security system consists of security cameras closed circuit television security monitors, sensors and wiring. Wireless cameras provide an extra measure of coverage and that can be placed anywhere quickly. These are good trends in the security industry.

10 tips to prevent theft at home security in summer

It should not happen anything, but it is well known that the arrival of summer brings, plus hot, very hot, consequential and deserved vacation. This is when you leave your house for days outside, and when more leverage burglars to commit robberies in homes undefended. Therefore, although we repeat that it need not happen, here are 10 tips to prevent theft at home in summer.

We know you would not want to meet you at your house burgled back from a pleasant and relaxing holiday. Therefore, although a post earlier and gave you a basic understanding about home security in summer, follow these 10 tips to make your home burglars forget:

1)      First of all, only need to know your vacation plan people confidence. Not everyone should know by heart how long your holiday and your itinerary will, thus preventing undue reach ears.

2)      Install an alarm system. To choose the one that best suits your needs, contact a specialist company.

3)      Shielding doors and windows not to say that the apostles with timber, otherwise you invest in doors and windows over closure and better resistance. Consider the initial outlay as a safe investment, pun intended. If you cannot afford it at least possible center yourself in those most vulnerable entrances, and rear areas, wooded or easily accessible.

4)      A classic: do not download completely blind. It will feel home life. In addition, another way  is to leave hanging clothes.

5)      Complementing this, there are timers that program an ignition activated lights and radios and televisions temporarily a good solution.

6)      Trust to a close the keys to your home to pick up the mail regularly, water plants, etc. It will generate useful motion in the house that scare off burglars.

7)      Another classic: do not leave valuables. Better safe than sorry.

8)      And the reference points, brand, type, etc. all appliances that can be stolen: lighten the pursuit and capture of the thief and the stolen items.

9)      The neighbors are vital in these cases, so ask them to take a good eye on your home, to be aware of the strange movements.

10)   Do not close cupboards or drawers locked. Prevents evil is greater if the thieves come and will force and not break.

10 tips to feel more secure home

Living alone can be very rewarding, but sometimes it can also be terrifying. Feeling strange noises in the middle of the night or hearing voices when you know your neighbors came out, it’s not fun. Therefore, a good idea is to incorporate some safety measures to prevent unhealthy feelings of fear and insecurity.

10 tips to feel more secure home are given below:

  1. Place bars: Place the bars on all the windows of his house, except some opening somewhere in difficult to access for one person. Sight rods you will remove the desire of a thief coming home and then it will be very difficult to get in and out.
  2. You install blinds and curtains: If you can install blinds, otherwise dense and thick curtains placed so that when you turn the light is day or even anyone sees your silhouette through them.
  3. Changes locks: The doors should always be closed, make sure the locks work and close tightly. If you’ve recently moved to a rental, you better change the lock.
  4. Put lights with timers: Install lights with timers to turn on and off when you leave alone, is ideal for others to believe that there are people at home.
  5. Removes the natural obstacles: If you have a garden, choose to remove or prune large trees well to avoid hampering visibility and try to always be well lit.
  6. Let the clothes view of man: Consider adopting a dog and get some boots and some clothes for man to hang out every so often. Leave the boots in a visible place for you to think you live with someone else.
  7. Identifies fine home: Do not put your name on the mailbox and make sure your home is well numbered and that number is visible; if the police will be submitted easier to find.
  8. Try not to be predictable: Sometimes the routines aren’t good companions. If you can avoid entering and leaving his house every day at the same time.
  9. Do not tell everything in social networks: When you have to be away do not post or announce on social networks.
  10. Meet the neighbors: Try to meet your neighbors and exchange phone, it can be useful for both in case one has to leave a few days and something were to happen.

10 tips to avoid being robbed at home

Among many companions August we call “the month of the locksmith.” It is a joke, a reality that needs no explanation: 40% of robberies throughout the year are in this summer.

Many think and not without reason, “Well, if I have to go home, that is not there nobody inside.” But considering that most burglars our absence is greater incentive to try, why not make it more difficult?

There are many things you can do to not give clues to the solitude of your home for your next getaway.

  1. Close doors and windows fine, but do not let the blinds closed at all unless you live in an accessible height from the street (a low or low-level first). Many thieves study areas and homes before acting, and there is no greater sign of household “closed for vacation” several days with shutters pitches. Yes, leave the curtains drawn so as not to be clearly visible inside the house.
  2. The factor “good neighbor”: if you have a family member or friend who lives nearby, or a trusted neighbor, let him have a copy of your keys and ask happens from time to time to vary the height of the blinds and some visible detail as planters or pots. If regardless also to have, the better.
  3. A great purchase: a timer for electrical outlets. Each dollar it will be well spent, because it will allow you to program a lamp in living room and/or bedroom to turn on, for example, between 22:30 and 23:30 and between 3:00 and 4:00 am. Automatic irrigation also helps: do not disconnect while you’re gone (well, your plants nod to listen to this advice).
  4. Things to NOT have to leave at home: no “hide” keys outside (gardens, pots, rugs). It is the first place where anyone would look. And that you’re thinking in the second. Nor let any valuables in sight. In fact, if you can leave your stuff maximum -Testimonies, money … – to that family member or friend utmost confidence that stays during those days, the better.
  5. Nothing drawers locked. If despite all efforts someone comes home and finds one, it’ll be neon’s indicating where what you want is. You will be taken equal and burst the entire cabinet on the road. Best idea, return to step 4.
  6. In the same way, if they come home and objects such as televisions, computers, cameras, phones … want to take have located the bills and tickets for all of them to claim the insurance. Aim behind the serial numbers of each device also will serve the police to make a report and to identify if someday appear (and you’ll kisses this simple but very useful caution).
  7. A “Thief” likes your music “holiday photos uploaded from Mobile”. I know so cool to envy your friends on Facebook and Twitter hanging beach photos and commenting “how rich the prawns in Tariffs” but think again. Social networks have created a new type of “theft 2.0” and do not want to be his next victim, right? Hang them around and have time to touch handles and red eyes, all advantages!
  8. How about installing a good alarm? This is the most obvious choice, I know, but today have models that allow you to “see” literally what happens in your house from a Smartphone.
  9. Power ON. Some people cut the power supply to avoid problems if they go for a long time, from 3 to 4 weeks. But think that an alarm needs electricity, and if someone rings the bell or home phone and hears no sound will clear that within has free rein to steal. Better, unplug everything not needed: TVs, video consoles, computers, microwaves, coffee makers, toasters … You’ll save a lot on ‘stand by’ and both the electrical charge that will reduce any risk to a minimum. Mind you, if you go out over 15 days and decide to empty the refrigerator and leave it open, make sure you do not see from the street. It’s another neon sign for foreign friends!
  10. Faced with the crisis art and much banter many, this year, will stay at home to save and wait for better times. For them, the last tip, embodied in the figure of my dear friend Jack, which explains how one measure: “What Where am I going? Nowhere, I stay at home! Or do you have so much wealth that if I set foot outside comes to plunder? “

This post is dedicated to all go out or you to stay at home, so that in any way and wherever you are as dwarfs enjoy your free time.

10 Tips for the safety of your home


  1. Keys. Before you get home, take your keys, look around you and use the shortest time to enter.
  2. Lighting. It is recommended to illuminate outdoor areas and access to your home. One option is to make use of a lighting which is activated by movement. This will allow you realize someone’s presence.
  3. Strangers. Avoid the entrance to your home to strangers. If asked to enter an emergency, it is better that you apply to the appropriate authorities.
  4. Identity. If you have children, teach them to but are unsure of the identity of the caller at the door, do not open the door.
  5. Services. If you applied any service before entering your home requests to be fully identified; otherwise, do not open the door.
  6. Information. No strangers reporting your activities, your family or neighbors.
  7. Objects. Avoid placing items of value that can be seen from the street or through the windows, as this could attract criminals. Avoid having more money at home.
  8. Posts. If you leave your house, avoid leaving obvious indications that there are; never put messages on the door indicating your absence.
  9. Doors. When you leave your home, check that doors and windows are kept closed, to prevent the entry of any foreign to your home. It is also recommended to install a panoramic peephole to see who called to the front door, especially at night.
  10. Directory. Have on hand a directory or cards containing emergency phone numbers and if the need not waste time.

7 tips to protect your home on holiday

The total cost as a result of insecurity and crime in households represented 1.34% of GDP in 2013, this equates to 2,953 dollars per person. Learn 7 tips to protect your assets during holidays. If you’re about to go on vacation this summer; make sure your home has the necessary protection.

Data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) showed that in 2013 the total cost as a result of Insecurity and crime in households represented an amount of 215.200 million, i.e. 1.34% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is equivalent to 2,953 dollars affected by insecurity and crime in their homes person.

“In addition to the basic tips that we know to keep our home safe, no new steps we must continue the advancement of technology. Take care not to post on your social networks that are traveling dates and the places you will be visiting. It is important to follow these recommendations before going out of town, also have insurance for your home in case of any mishap.

Take precautions

We present 7 tips recommended to ensure that your home no harm during the holidays:

  1. Check the correct closing of doors and windows.
  2. Unplug your electronics.
  3. Close gas valves and water.
  4. Check the setting operation of security alarms.
  5. Avoid leaving lights on outside.
  6. Put all valuables or money in a safe place.
  7. Ask one person you trust to collect the mail periodically.

6 tips to protect your home to prevent theft


Exterior Doors

  • Exterior doors should be solid wood or metal to better protect against intruders.
  • Be sure to keep all doors locked or locked at all times. Besides the latch or lock, you should also install a deadbolt type double pallet or similar in all entry doors.
  • Not all burglaries occur in a vacant home. You might also consider installing a peephole to see who is at the door before opening it.


  • Whenever you are not in your home and overnight windows must remain closed and locked.
  • Consider installing gates and shutters with locks on all windows to avoid being forced.

Sliding Glass Doors

  • Call a professional locksmith to install closures to ensure the door to the frame or rail.
  • Adjust the lights free door tracks so that cannot be lifted and removed from the rails.
  • Place a barbell resistant metal or wood, such as a metal pipe or a broomstick in the track to prevent the door from opening.
  • Install hinges with surety that slide on the rails to prevent the door from being forced.

Exterior Lighting

  • The lighting, both inside and outside of your home, is one of the best and most economic measures to discourage thieves. The interior lights on give the impression that the house is occupied, while the exterior lights make it harder for a thief to find a place to hide.
  • You should install lights near porches, all exterior doors, garage and other entry points. Keep all well-lit entrances.
  • Reflectors are also a good choice for outdoor lighting for your home. You can also opt for lights with motion detectors that turn on automatically when you are moving in the area.
  • For safety, install some lights out of hand, so that is not easy to remove or break the bulbs.
  • Point lights so that your yard and garden are lit so you can see anyone approaching.

Burglar Alarms

  • Burglar alarm systems can provide many benefits if you live in a remote area or staying away from home for extended periods of time. Also, if you live in a high crime area or keep valuable items at home, you should also consider installing a security system. There are a variety of burglar alarms and security systems available.
  • If you install a residential alarm system ensure that all people living in your house are trained to use it.

Security while outside your home

  • Make sure your home has the appearance of an inhabited dwelling at all times. If possible, ask a friend, neighbor or family trust to stay at home during your absence. Otherwise, arrange for someone remove daily mail and newspapers and turn on the lights.
  • If you are absent for an extended period, consider using timers for your lights so they turn on and turn off automatically at predetermined times.
  • Ask the mail and the paperboy to stop making deliveries to your home while you are away.

There is no method that is 100 percent effective against thieves, but if you see the above tips can reduce the chances of becoming the next victim of a robbery.